About Us


The Briones Archery club is once again preparing for another great season.  We are anticipating the trails will be in good shape for the opening of our famous “Monday Night” shoots which start in early April.  See flyer from our Events page.

Spring is a wonderful time to visit Briones Archery.  The weather can be temperamental, but the lush green hillsides and the wildflowers are spectacular.  The deer and turkey, along with coyotes, are frequent visitors to the range throughout the year, especially on the upper range.  Quail are commonly seen in the grass between targets 1 and 2.

As is always the case, range maintenance is never ending.  Our club members make it all happen.  The target bales on the range are hand built by members.  From soliciting carpet donations, to building the wood base the targets sit on, the wood caps that hold the targets together and the jigs that compress the bales before banding members have developed the means to get targets where they need to be on the range.

We have some great shoots planned this year.  See the events page.  The Briones Archery club’s Monday Night Shoots feature 16 unmarked 3D targets in natural settings.  We promise it will be a challenging and interesting experience.  Bring extra arrows!

The club also travels to other clubs for their events, part of the enjoyment of getting to know the other members is attending these events.  CBH/SAA (cbhsaa.net) keeps a great listing of archery events in California.

HISTORY: EDMUD was established in the early 1920’s to preserve valuable watershed land.  Briones Regional Park in particular, was created from a lease agreement with EBMUD in 1964. Thanks to the vision of very forward thinking people, who understood the need for accessible open space in an urban environment, we will benefit for generations to come. Today the park attracts people who love the outdoors and the fresh air.  Nature can heal the stress from crowded urban lifestyles.

The Briones Archery club formed in the late 1960s and is fortunate to be within the boundary of the Briones Regional Park.  We think it is very special.  The Briones Regional Park is to be treasured and protected.  Please respect the park and pay attention to the usage rules.  See EBPARKS website for more information on activities.



Founded in the late 60s, the Briones Archery Club descended from the old Roving Archers Club of El Sobrante. With the help from Bob and Millie Dean, Faye and Smitty Smith, Vern Thompson and his family, Ron Halpin and the help from many others leased land and laid out what would later become the Roving Archery range.

Many of the volunteer members donated funds from their own pockets, and went around asking for donations of materials, tools, bales of hay, wire and anything else that might come in handy and be of use to the club. They put in long hours and a lot of hard work to fulfill a dream.

The resulting Roving Archers range had 28 targets; it was chartered by the NFAA, a member of the local region (NCFAA) and the state organization (CBH/SAA). These folks continued to clear trails, remove poison oak, build bridges and install bow racks and yardage markers. They all had one thing in common: they loved archery, and wanted their own place to shoot and to show off, with great personal pride, each time another archer used their facility.

New housing and appreciating land values forced the Roving Archers off their range, but they did not quit, join other clubs or take up another hobby. Instead, they helped the newer, younger members take up the cause with the same sincerity with which they had started. These young members – Morris Abbott, Bernie Shapiro, Pat Norris, Dennis Duffy, Doug Welch and many others — negotiated with the East Bay Regional Parks District to move the club to its present location in Briones Park. Today, the Briones Archery range comprises of 42 targets over a 30 acre course, and it is also host to a number of 3D tournaments during the year. The 42 targets consist of 14 hunter targets, 14 field targets and 14 animals targets. There is also a practice range with targets ranging from 10 yards to 60 yards.

The name, the logo and the location have changed, but the spirit is the same. Some of the original ‘old timers’ are gone, some are life members that don’t shoot anymore and some are still here. Their legacy is the Briones Archery Club. Our future, as well as the future of all archery, depends on the lessons and inspiration passed down by our previous members, and by the amount of dedication, hard work and pride that the current members give to their club.

Today, the members of the Briones Archery Club are solely responsible for maintaining our 30 acre facility. We contribute our time and efforts toward target and range management programs, as well as our hosted tournaments. We offer a full range of shooting styles within the club, from Traditional to Freestyle.

The Briones Archery Practice Range targets range from 10 to 60 yards

1. No alcoholic beverages allowed.
2. No crossbows allowed in Briones Park
3. No hunting or pursuing of park animals
4. Keep all vehicle speeds below 10 MPH
5. Trash – if you brought it in then take it with you when you leave
6. No unleashed dogs allowed at any club event
7. Do not drive on wet park roads
8. When driving on roads give way to horseback riders and pedestrians
9. No firewood cutting
10. No Smoking, Vaping or open fires
11. Do not remain in park after sundown
12. No broadheads are to be shot at range targets

Report any illegal activity to park Police emergency 510-881-1121

Briones Range Layout:

March 2024 range update, a safety upgrade was made to the course layout.  Target 28 was relocated between Targets 23 and 24 for a better backstop and is now Target 24 with the old Target 24-27 becoming Targets 25-28.  New map forthcoming.